
We are utilising school holiday to carry out pest control and sanitisation to ensure a safe and clean environment before welcoming back our little kiddos in January. 😍☺️

Looking forward the orientation on 5th January 2024!😁


Kinderberry International Preschool, Cyberjaya is open our door to all parents with child(ren) age 2-6 years old in 2024! Registration for January intake is open now.

On the 25th November 2023, parents can have a school tour to visit the kindergarten facility, gain insight into our educational programs, meet the team, or simply let your child enjoy our fun activities and games. Light refreshment provided.

Exclusive rebate and early bird promo awaits! On top of that, free gift upon enrolment during open day!!


This is how we draw a face! 😁

This would be a very fun family activity at home too! Try it and enjoy the laughing moment with your little one.


KinderBerry has start the schooling today although with only 3 childrens, but they are having funs in the school and enjoy the playing and learning


Grab the early bird promotion for the very first 20 registrations to enjoy full waiver of registration fee and discounted school fees up to 30%. Why wait? schedule a visit tour to KinderBerry now


Good news folks! especially for who living and working in Cyberjaya or nearby, KinderBerry International Preschool, the very FIRST PEARSON early years centre in Malaysia has now open for registration. Schedule a tour now to visit our brand new preschool, please call 018 – 575 6520.